Leadership & Culture Analytics
More and more organisations are integrating leadership and culture topics into established KPI and measurement systems. However, the approach is rarely holistic, focusing on identifying problems and action needs and supporting the subsequent development process or cultural change.
«What gets measured, gets done.»
The danger is that a better form of leadership and collaboration is quickly reduced to a checklist and fades into the background in everyday organisational life. It becomes a nice-to-have but ultimately optional. This creates false accuracy; organisations still do not move forward.
Measure and empower leadership & culture development
Unlike “profit margin,” there is no mathematical formula for “empathy.” Consequently, many cultural transformations fail because they are perceived as too abstract and non-committal. However, leadership and culture are easily measured.
The art lies in a systematic approach that provides answers to complex questions:
- How can leadership and culture be made concrete and tangible in companies?
- How can we identify errors and shortcomings and create a willingness for personal change?
- How do we overcome internal resistance and biases?
- How can executives classify and reflect on their current leadership style in a goal-oriented manner?
- How can we bring executives and employees into a constructive dialogue that benefits both levels?
- How can we ensure that investments in better collaboration pay off?
- How can boards understand where the entire corporate culture stands and whether the transformation is having an impact?
- How can we establish diversity and performance in corporate and leadership culture?
We have developed systematic and scientifically sound pulse check surveys for these challenges. These feedbacks address leadership and culture’s central aspects, bring them into a uniform structure, and support them with accurate data. This bridges the gap between theory and lived practice, making the transformation tangible and binding for all stakeholders.
Pulse checks can be conducted at the individual, team, or organisational level. Gain clarity and commitment for transformation through:
- A comprehensive analysis of the status quo, including strengths, potentials, and overarching benchmarks
- In-depth insights and the identification of personal “blind spots.”
- The comparison of self- and external assessments
- An easy, pragmatic access to a constructive dialogue about leadership, collaboration, and company culture.
The culture analysis and pulse check surveys were designed according to scientific standards and are firmly anchored in the ideas and concepts of the JENEWEIN philosophy. Therefore, they form an essential building block of many cultural initiatives and coaching. If necessary, the individual modules can be tailored to your organisation’s specific requirements.