
Jenewein Academy

Next level Leadership

Your place for your personal leadership development

Are you interested in what the JNW Academy has to offer and still have questions?

We will be happy to answer your questions in a personal call.

Leadership and culture as the basis for your success

Leadership and collaboration are more than just the central levers for transformation to us. A new attitude makes it possible to turn organisations into places where people don’t just fulfil requirements, deadlines, and routines. Instead, they become a community where curiosity and positive interactions lead to unprecedented peak performance and moments of success.

We live this positive spirit in every collaboration and every project. Inspired by elite sports, business, and research, we focus on moving people instead of lecturing them. We create activating experiences that touch people, have a lasting impact, and enable new ways of thinking. We are here to help you develop “Places of Work” into “Places of Joy and Performance”.

Our expertise

Science & Research

Leadership Bootcamp

High performance sport

We work with various athletes and high-performance teams from the world of sport and are inspired by the many parallels between business and sport.

Management expertise

With more than 20 years of experience in advising companies at top management level, we are experts in leadership, culture and change.

Leadership is not about fixing – it is about activating!”

Exclusive knowledge from high-performance sport,
Top management and science

For upcoming leaders

Leadership Accelerator
Request now

Are you just starting your career as a leader? Would you like to build your management career on a solid basis? Would you like to elevate your own personal leadership ambition?

Go to Accelerator

For experienced leaders

Leadership Bootcamp
March 24th-26th 2025

Are you looking for leadership training, but none of the usual offers really appeal to you? Are you looking for new impulses that will not only teach you new things, but also help you grow personally? Are you looking to exchange experiences with inspiring personalities and experts from other industries?

Go to Bootcamp

For executives

Executive Retreat
September 1st-5th 2025

Our exclusive executive program is aimed at top management leaders and accompanies them on their way to positions with even more responsibility and influence. We support you with your next step.

Go to Executive Retreat






coached personalities

We asked our participants



business relevant




Das Training bei Wolfgang Jenewein & Team ist wie eine inspirierende Reise in die Tiefen des Selbst. Durch intensive Reflexion und praxisnahe Übungen lädt es dazu ein, die eigene Führungskompetenz neu zu entdecken. Es ist bisher das einzige Seminar, in dem ich die Inhalte und Impulse nahtlos in den Führungsalltag integriert konnte. Durch die Diskussionen mit den TeilnehmerInnen und den GästInnen findet man nicht nur Antworten, sondern auch den Mut, sich den Fragen zu stellen, die das eigene Führungshandeln wirklich voranbringen.

Selena Gabat - Director Marketing, LinkedIn


Das Leadership Bootcamp war eine spannende Reise über drei Tage durch alle Facetten von Führung. Besonders inspirierend waren der direkte Austausch und die konkreten Impulse von führenden Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft, Sport und Wissenschaft. Die Mischung aus Input, Gruppenreflexion und persönlicher Weiterentwicklung hat mein Führungsverhalten nachhaltig geprägt. Der Austausch mit anderen Führungskräften aus verschiedenen Branchen hat diesen Prozess maßgeblich bereichert. Das Team schafft eine ganz besondere, produktive und zugewandte Atmosphäre – ich bin gerne wieder dabei.

Katja Henning - Base Lead Product & Design, Audi Business Innovation


Das Leadership Bootcamp hat mein Führungsverhalten nachhaltig geprägt. Es vermittelte mir entscheidende Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Leadership, Ownership und Resilienz sowie wertvolle Tools, welche mir und meinem Leadership-Team ermöglichen, Properti auf das nächste Level zu bringen. Der intensive Austausch mit erfahrenen Top-Executives und gleichgesinnten Führungskräften rundete das Bootcamp ab.

Levent Künzi - Founder & CEO, Properti


Die Mischung aus wissenschaftlich fundierten Inhalten in einem inspirierenden und vertrauensvollen Rahmen, ergänzt durch fesselnde Analogien aus der Welt des Spitzensports, machte es mir leicht, die Erkenntnisse tiefgreifend zu verinnerlichen. Die anschaulichen Konzepte helfen mir dabei, mich auch im Alltag immer wieder an die Schlüsselaspekte erfolgreicher Führung zu erinnern und positive Emotionen noch stärker in meinem Führungsverhalten zu verankern.

Merle Aldegarmann - Director DACH, WiredScore


Top Format mit vielen praxisnahen Beispielen und Impulsen, tollen Keynotespeakern und vor allem Wolfgang Jenewein als großartiger Referent, sehr authentisch, inspirierend und motivierend zugleich. Weiter so bitte!

Berrin Ahmed - Manager Business Controls, Mercedes-Benz


Danke für drei Tage der Inspiration und intensiven Reflektion der eigenen Führung! Wunderbar, wie rasch eine gute Verbindung zwischen den Teilnehmern entstand, sodass wir auch viel voneinander lernen und profitieren konnten.

Maria Schaubmayr - Global Head of Legal Corporate Projects, Red Bull

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Experts from business, science and sport

Christine Wüst

Board member Witzenmann Group

Dr. Frieder Beck

Sports scientist

Dr. Albrecht Vorster

sleep expert

Marcel Bartling

Board member Webasto Group

Stephanie Holdt

Board member Voith Group

Oliver Heer

Professional sailor

Matthias Gillner

ex CEO Hilti Group

Horst Heldt

sports manager

Mirko Slomka

football coach

Matthias Arleth

ex CEO Mahle

Thomas Bauer

ex Board memeber Bosch

Konstanze Marinoff

Board member Sana Kliniken

Arrange a personal consultation

Are you interested in what the JENEWEIN Academy has to offer? Let us talk!

Which program suites me best?

We offer various programs at the JENEWEIN Academy. On the one hand, these are based on your personal management experience. If you already have several years of experience as a manager, the Leadership Bootcamp is the right program for you. For young and upcoming leaders, we recommend our Leadership Accelerator Program.
Our Leadership Executive Retreat is aimed at top management executives who are about to make the leap to an even more responsible position such as a board position.
In addition, we offer focus programs on various topics such as self-management Please contact us if you are interested in these programs.

Is there a possibility of funding for your programs?

As part of the JENEWEIN Academy Scholarships, we offer a limited number of places at reduced rates in our programs for executives from NGOs, associations and other non-profit organizations. If you are employed in such a position as your main job and are interested in the JNW Academy Scholarship, please contact us.

Unfortunately, I can’t make the next appointment. Do you offer any other seminars?

Our leadership programs usually take place multiple times a year. Please contact us directly if you are unable to attend on the specified dates in order to receive information on other planned events.

Is there any further information material on your programs?

In the download area on the subpages of the leadership programs you will find a brochure for download. This contains further information such as the detailed agenda items and guests/experts of the program. This can also be used as information material for the administrative process such as an application for an internal company training budget.

Do you also offer programs for entire teams or companies?

If you are interested in team development or organization-wide cultural development, please contact us at or fill out the general contact form. We have been carrying out company-wide cultural transformations for more than 20 years and will find the right format for you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Do you have another question?

Send us an e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Maximilian Gutt-Will

Program Manager

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